PCGamer had 5 different articles about Warzone 2. Because that's a lot of artciles about one single game on a single day and because not everybody is interested in it, I've decided to put them all on its own post, for an easier read/skip:
New Modern Warfare 2 gun can only be unlocked by playing Warzone 2
Warzone 2 launched today alongside Modern Warfare 2's Season 1 update, joining the latest premium Call of Duty game at the hip with its free-to-play battle royale sibling. The two games share a lot: weapons pools, progression systems, and battle pass progress are all synced between both games. Traditionally, it's possible to unlock everything by playing either normal multiplayer or Warzone, but one of Season 1's new guns is locked behind a Warzone-exclusive challenge.
Can't invite friends in Warzone 2? You're not alone
Call of Duty: Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2's social menu seems to be broken on the launch day of the battle royale sequel. Players are reporting that clicking on the social button on Call of Duty's main menu currently boots players right back to the main menu, locking them out of viewing their friend lists or grouping up.
I'm encountering the same issue, but thankfully, players have already figured out a reliable workaround (as shared by Netoxicky on Reddit) to invite friends to a group. It turns out the social tab isn't the only way to view your friends list—channels can do the trick, too.
Warzone 2 players are discovering the brilliance of proximity chat
A single new feature in Warzone 2 is already changing how the game is played. Proximity chat, or the ability to hear the mic chatter of nearby enemies, is now on by default in all Warzone modes. You'll know you're hearing an enemy when you see a red chat indicator on the left of your HUD.
Now there's a Warzone 2 bug making players die instantly
Normally when players are downed in Call of Duty: Warzone 2, they can still crawl around until either an ally revives them, or they roll a natural 20 on their next death saving throw (please fact-check this before publication). As GamesRadar spotted, not everybody has been getting to enjoy that period of rolling around on the floor trying to convince a team-mate to help them out.
Warzone 2 players like everything but the 'Microsoft Excel' looting
Call of Duty: Warzone 2 is here and, of course, the white-hot anticipation has now turned to grousing. Partly this is just the way of the world, because Warzone 2 is attracting so many players there will always be something to complain about, and indeed one of the difficulties in covering the original was working out what were genuine issues and what was just players having a moan.
Please excuse my bad English.
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