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  1. Ending the filibuster.
    1. It is by definition an anti democratic tool that will be used to shot down any attempts at reforming pretty much anything.
  2. Reform campaign financing to reduce corruption and end wealth influence over government policies.
  3. Ranked choice voting
  4. Tie representative voting power to the number of vote he/she received. 
    1. This should render gerrymandering useless
    2. Ensure a vote have equal value everywhere in the US no matter how populous the state is.
  5. Give every US citizen the same right to vote by giving statehood to territories that lack one.
    1. This is an obvious flaws to the US democracy and anyone biding against this is clearly not for democracy
  6. Removing the electoral college as it doesn't bring any good for democracy at it's best and can harm it at it's worse.
  7. More accessible and better education.