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Here's a quick thought while the Xbox community is currently on a Halo Infinite high. When career ranks are finally added, allow those ranks, at least starting with the more mid-level, to be viewed as titles.

In Destiny 2, there are titles you earn after completing specific requirements or challenges, it would be displayed right under your nametag. You knew what that player had to do to earn that title. It was a great motivator to grind the game, and just gives more incentive for players to keep playing besides the FOMO cosmetics lol.

My favorite D2 title that I earned was Blacksmith. One of the rarer titles in the game and now is a title you can't even earn anymore when Bungie did the huge content purge almost 2 and a half years ago lol.

But Halo: Reach had some really cool ranks that could be used as titles. If you saw an Inheritor, Reclaimer, Foreunner (D2 added this title not too long ago lol) Eclipse, Noble, Mythic, etc. while playing Reach, you had some mad respect for that player. But it was never viewed as title. You would have to go to the players profile to see that ranking. Would be something really cool to see for the longevity of Infinite.

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 14 November 2022