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Torillian said:

My understanding of the claim about thousands of ballots in the middle of the night actually has more to do with how the ballots were tallied more so than actual ballots arriving at night. Basically during the 2020 election there was some point where a number of votes were tallied in the middle of the night and went up. Quick Google indicates from AP News that this is due to how Wisconsin tallies votes where all the votes have to be figured out before any are put online for a given area. Milwaukee finished their vote counting at 3:00 a.m. and that's when they put up the results. If it's not that it's about a video seeming to show votes arriving in Detroit after the 8:00 p.m. deadline but this is again misunderstood. The 8:00 p.m. deadline is for people to cast their ballot, not for those ballots to be delivered or counted. This was again something I found through AP News. 

I was thinking about this, but I wasn't sure if he truly meant that ballots got dropped off, or they were added to the total at 1 am. So I wanted to lean into mailing possibly being later in the day, even though that is probably less true than counting often happening late at night. 

Not to mention, it makes sense to wait until you have a batch to add to the total count instead of incrementing as time goes on. 

I want to add, that a lot of these questions have innocuous answers or innocuous possible answers that get ignored in favor of more sinister possibilities.

If there were technical problems with the printers or the tabulators or etc, in a hard Republican district, I doubt we would hear about them. But hey, if it happens somewhere in a district that is more split, somehow that seems representative of there being election security issues.