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TheMisterManGuy said:

Get rid of mass Mail-in Ballots. They're slow, unreliable, and can be easily manipulated by either political party. Mail-ins should only be used in special cases like military or citizens traveling. Conservative or Liberal, nobody wants to wait days, let alone weeks to find out who won an election, regardless of who wins. The fact that several states kept their COVID-era election rules despite COVID being pretty much over is pathetic. Elections should be done in person, on one night, and the winner should be decided the same night. If other countries can do this, why can't the U.S.?

I don't think they're inherantly slow, because states allow early voting mail-in weeks before the deadline.
But Republican-controlled legislatures in key states have declined on allowing counting to start earlier. Leading to several states having to count the mail-in ballots late or last, even though they came in weeks before the election day votes did.

How Republicans have prevented mail ballots from being counted earlier - The Washington Post

(List is based on 2020 election)

^Even though it says Before Election Day, for some states like Michigan that means November 2, only one day before election day 2020.

This 'problem' is primarily the GOP's own creation. It's a deliberate tactic because more democratic voters have traditionally used mail-in. And after Covid that was only going to grow.
So counting in-person first, it will look like the GOP candidate is in a big lead. And then days after voting closed, the democratic candidate makes a 'miraculous' comeback through mail-in votes, even though the vast majority those votes were in weeks before the in-person votes, and they were just sitting on them doing nothing.
There are some votes that legitimately arrive late, as long as they've been stamped before election day ended. But those should not cause a notable delay unless you've been building up a huge backlog of votes that you chose not to count over the course of several weeks, as some states intentionally do.
So the GOP suggest that there's something fishy going on with mail-in votes, and their voterbase who are not aware of these late-counting laws, will believe it.

And nothing has really changed about Covid, even though we like to pretend otherwise, instead of everyone wearing masks for 3-4 months to erradicate it. Mail-in is especially important for people with pre existing conditions, immune deficiency or other conditions that makes it difficult for them to attend in person, especially when crowded.

There's no evidence of large scale voting fraud in USA, whether mail-in or in-person is concerned. 
Even Trump's DOJ concluded as much: Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud | AP News

Could you provide a link regarding the 'dozens of dead people voting' claim you made?
That does sound reasonable, as it's on a smaller scale, but I've also seen some false claims made about this before.

And what country does all the voting in one day?
Not in my country (Sweden), where early voting begins 3 weeks before election day.
Sätt att rösta | Valmyndigheten

What would be the benefit of needing to vote on one single day? I can only see problems with vote counters being overwhelmed by millions of votes at once. If you want to avoid delaying the results, this is the exact opposite of what you should suggest.

Speaking of which, here's a big suggestion.
Make election day befall on a weekend, or otherwise make it a national holiday. As it is in most countries.

Why is it on a Tuesday in USA?
They're making it deliberately difficult for working people to vote in person.
And on that note, every state should allow fellons to vote, which is also the case in most countries. Otherwise, police and prisons become a voting suppression tool.

Last edited by Hiku - on 14 November 2022