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I'm petty enough I'd absolutely lean into these fears. The republicans spent two years screaming "ELECTION STOLEN" and what happened? Republicans lost faith in voting.
If you spent 2 years telling me the election is stolen but can't tell me how they stole it - that doesn't anger me, it makes me scared.

It means "the enemy" found a way to steal an entire countries election and can't be caught. There is either no evidence or they own every single judge and lawyer in the entire country. If someone is so powerful they can steal an election and you never know how - I'd immediately think "then why would I vote?".

Why would I (as a generic average third party person) take time off work (or after a long day of work) get in a long line of people to vote on things if my vote will never matter because this mystery super power can just steal any election.

Step 1) Scream election was stolen.

Step 2) Wait why did no one vote?!?!

Step 3) Profit.

Last edited by Bandorr - on 14 November 2022

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