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ConservagameR said:

If Elon takes Twitter and makes it so that anyone who seems to be on the (far) left gets kicked off and silenced, because enough users are complaining, that would be wrong, for example.

Right. But any time I've ever asked anyone for examples of that happening on Twitter, it's just people breaking TOS.

ConservagameR said:

You can't really argue community guidelines, because those change depending on who's in charge, and we all know they'll change at Twitter, potentially vastly, once Elon is in charge. So were the old guidelines wrong, or will the new guidelines be wrong?

Well that's what I mean.
You're either saying that there are things in the guidelines that shouldn't be there, or that mods were not enforcing the guidelines, or that they did it incorrectly, etc.

So I'm wondering what specifically it is that you have a problem with.

ConservagameR said:

This is why the free market and capitalism are both so great and so terrible. It allows for businesses like Twitter to exist, and it also allows them to be purchased and changed. Which is better or worse depends on your personal outlook.

I'd argue that one person controling any platform where ideas are exchanged is a bad idea.
We have multiple moderators who discuss issues as a group for this reason. If one overlooks an important detail, three others may catch it. If one person thinks we should go with solution #1, and five others think we should go with solution #2, we try to find a compromise that everyone is happy with. And/or we go with what the majority thinks.

ConservagameR said:

You know there are laws about certain speech, but few laws, as the more speech you can justly allow, the better. There are also rights, both of which, including laws, aren't always upheld and aren't always punished as they should be. How do we fix that? More policing at different levels? Isn't that a bad thing?

I agree they will erase some lines, which is good, depending on what's erased. When you have people like Mark Zuck, admitting the FBI was giving him a heads up to squash upcoming stories that are likely misinformation, only to find out they were always legit, that's a big deal and needs to be fixed. The way to fix it is to allow media to choose what to allow and what not to, without being pressured by the government or authorities, because that can go both ways.

I think the government should only get involved if the platform fails to moderate content that goes into illegal territory.

But the biggest problem with twitter are shitty people, and missinformation.
And I only imagine those problems getting amplified with Musk in charge.

Shitty people and missinformation will be the biggest winners coming out of this, imo.

Last edited by Hiku - on 31 October 2022