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The Monday news!


Steam's top 10

GOG's Halloween Sale will last some more days, but that doesn't mean that they don't have new deals:

Steam's Halloween Sale will also last a couple more days, but it has another two deals:

We have several new deals at Humble

And Fanatical


Potential Steam feature would be a godsend for users with data caps or slow internet
On Thursday, SteamDB creator and regular dataminer Pavel Djundik tweeted a new discovery in Steam's code: a "peer content" client/server mode. His takeaway, soon confirmed by other programmers, was that "Valve is seemingly working on peer-to-peer Steam downloads on LAN."
Peer-to-peer downloads may make you think of file-sharing software like Bittorrent, but this feature isn't actually about downloading games over the internet: it's the opposite. The "LAN" element focuses on your local network, meaning one peer might be your desktop PC and the other could be your laptop or Steam Deck. After launching the handheld gaming system, Valve is clearly interested in giving players a way to transfer their game libraries to it without redownloading them.


Playstation 4 emulator fpPS4 can now run 26 commercial games
The team behind the Playstation 4 emulator, fpPS4, has released a new version of it. According to reports, this new version can now run 26 commercial games and 12 homebrew games.
Now in case you’re wondering, the emulator cannot run any of the PS4 triple-A games. So while this is huge progress for this emulator, you should temper your expectations. In other words, you won’t be able to play games like Bloodborne, Ghost of Tsushima or The Last of Us Part 2.

Bayonetta 3 is already playable in 4K/60fps on PC via Nintendo Switch emulators
Nintendo has just released Bayonetta 3 on Nintendo Switch. And, while this game is exclusive to Nintendo’s console, PC gamers can already enjoy it as both yuzu and Ryujinx can emulate it.
Now what’s really amazing here is that PC gamers will get a much better experience than their console friends. Bayonetta 3 on Nintendo Switch has major performance issues. However, the game can run at native 4K and with constant 60fps on high-end PC systems. Seriously, this is the way the game is meant to be experienced, and only PC gamers can currently enjoy it.
>> There's a video with the game at 4k60fps, but with a 12900K and a 3080Ti so yeah, on high end PCs.

This Red Dead Redemption 2 Mod overhauls the game’s ragdoll physics
Modder ‘FireHart100’ has released a pretty cool mod for Red Dead Redemption 2 that aims to overhaul the game’s ragdoll physics. According to its description, this mod aims to provide realistic ragdolls taken from LiveLeak Footage.
Furthermore, there have been some AI tweaks and adjustments. For instance, enemies will now try to grab a movable object when they fall near it. The mod also improves explosions as dynamite will blow enemies a little farther.
>> There are 2 videos.

This Skyrim Special Edition Mod adds destructible objects to the game
Modder ‘OddCoward’ has released a really cool mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition that adds destructible objects to the game. This mod is basically a permutation of djjohnjarvis’s Destructible Skyrim using powerofthree’s Base Object Swapper.
Right now, players can destroy a limited amount of objects. For instance, they can destroy barrels, chairs and tables. However, the modder plans to add more breakable objects and more moveable objects in future versions.
Do note that anything that isn’t physics enabled and is atop a destructible object will remain floating when the object beneath it is destroyed. So yeah, this is a WIP mod, so keep that in mind. Nevertheless, it’s really cool.

This Dragon Ball Mod for Elden Ring is a must-have for all DBZ/DBS fans
Modder ‘syyyke’ has released a new mod for Elden Ring that is a must-have for all Dragon Ball fans out there. As the title suggests, this mod allows you to play as Son Goku from the iconic manga/anime series. Furthermore, players can punch/kick their enemies, and blast Kamehameha attacks.
Going into more details, syyyke took some stuff from his Spellcaster’s Dream 2.0, mixed it with an armor replacer by Ercuallo, and added some unarmed balancing to make it viable. By doing so, the modder has managed to create an amazing crossover between DBZ and Elden Ring.
>> There's an almost 30 minutes video, in case you want to know how it looks,

The Witcher 3 gets Long Shadows & Unmarked Quests Journal Mods
Modders ‘MerseyRockoff’ and ‘KnighTec’ have released two new mods for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The first mod adds long shadows to the game, similar to those found in other games such as Grand Theft Auto 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2. On the other hand, the second mod gives all unmarked quests in the game journal entries and objectives to complete.

The Witcher Prologue – Original vs The Witcher 3 Remake Mod
Last week, CD Projekt RED revealed that it will be remaking the first The Witcher game using Unreal Engine 5. And a couple of days ago, YouTuber Cycu1 released a comparison video between the prologue of the first game and its recreation in The Witcher 3.
Now obviously, this video is not representative of what the actual remake will look like. In theory, the remake will look significantly better than the mod. Still, this comparison is kind of cool, and can give us an idea of what we can expect from it.
>> The video is also long, more than 20 minutes, and while it will seem weird, I much prefer the original rather than this mod because of the atmosphere.


16 minutes of gameplay from Unholy, the new horror game from former Painkiller, Bulletstorm & Gears of War developers
IGN has shared a video, showcasing the first 16 minutes of gameplay from the upcoming first-person horror game, Unholy. Unholy is using Unreal Engine 4 and is being created by former Painkiller, Bulletstorm & Gears of War developers.

New gameplay trailer for Forspoken focuses on magic-enhanced parkour
Square Enix and Luminous Productions have kicked off the release of a three-part video series, offering players a deeper look into the gameplay mechanics for their action-RPG, Forspoken. The first video in the series focuses on protagonist Frey Holland’s magic-enhanced parkour and traversal skills, as well as the variety of spells at her disposal.

Cyan has just announced that it is working on an official remake of Riven
Cyan has just announced that it is working on an official remake of Riven, and released an announcement teaser trailer for it. This teaser trailer does not show anything, so don’t expect to see any in-game footage.

Evil West gets a game overview trailer
Focus Entertainment has released an overview trailer for Flying Wild Hog’s upcoming third-person action game, Evil West. This trailer details the game’s storyline and highlights some of its key features.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.