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Major problems are:

1. Electoral college - takes the presidential vote away from the people and arbitrarily puts it in the hands of a few hundred unelected electors. It's just a corruption of the whole process. EC allows the loser to win the presidency, which should never happen. EC needs to be abolished.

2. Gerrymandering - when district redrawing is a political process it can't be a fair a process. The corruption of gerrymandering has been taken to an extreme by Republicans and they are not using it to stay in power despite being the minority party. Drawing districts needs to be taken away from the political parties.

3. The two party system - Having two parties in complete control breeds corruption and the status quo. We need to change the way elections are counted to allow for more than two parties (so voting third party isn't just throwing away a vote). Let's make parties less powerful and design a system that allows for more than two parties.

4. Education, culture, the Republican party - Fox News and Republicans, right wing extremism which is all that exists of the Republican party these days are leading us into a propaganda world where education is looked down on, science is looked down on, diversified culture is looked down on, facts and truth are disregarded and looked down on, medicine is looked down on, our history is looked down on and is viewed as something to hide and ignore. Nearly half the country buys into whatever extreme propaganda right wing media and repubican politicians are spewing, and they hate anything and anyone who goes contrary to the propaganda. Republicans are hell bent on turning America into Russia with a one-party minority rule government where everything is done for the purpose of corruption and power, where taking away rights from people and limiting liberty and unequally enforcing laws based on political views is the way everything operates. Republicans are literally killing America and democracy, and then blaming everything they do on Democrats. Having a working government and a just nation and a viable democracy is impossible when one of two parties is hell bent on corrupting and obstructing every policy, democracy/elections, the truth, culture, education, media, the law, and the constitution. Conservative mass extremism is the biggest threat to America and American democracy and the only way this country pulls itself out of its current funk is if modern republicanism completely dies.