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Alistair said:

No one in Canada disputes the results of elections because the voting standards are strict. This encourages confidence in our democracy.

ID is required (and proof of address, I couldn't vote even with ID in the last election, I had to do a lot of paperwork to vote at all). There are no ballot drop boxes like in the US. Advanced registration with ID is required for mail in voting, and ballots have to be RECEIVED not post marked, a week before the election happens (so up to 2 weeks earlier than in the US).

The US could adopt those features from Canada that are supported by all the left-wing governments here. But unfortunately, the US has crazy Democrats who don't want a reliable electoral system. They call people racist if they want a trustworthy system like all the other modern countries. It is non-sensical, would you call the Liberals in Canada racist because the voting standard is strict?

They said Trump was illegitimate and they are saying the future 2024 election will be the same, even though it hasn't happened yet. Then they are surprised the right thinks the same calling Biden illegitimate (how did he get more votes than Obama?). We need both parties to stop that. The only way forward is a system that everyone trusts.

There is no desire among the left in the US to improve democracy. They don't want to talk about it with their fellow left-wing Europeans and Canadians. They have their practiced attack lines and don't want to give up the demagoguery that works.

"No one in Canada disputes the results of elections because the voting standards are strict". And the main reason why isn't at all related to the rest of your post. It is simply that no party is trying to paint an election as fraudulent whenever they lose unlike the US. Also I never had to do any paper work to Vote in Canada but even if I had to at least here your not going to get unregistered every time at the whims of those in power for bonkers reason like, "you had the same name as convict criminal" all in a bid to try keeping you out of the poll station.    

"ID is required (and proof of address, I couldn't vote even with ID in the last election, I had to do a lot of paperwork to vote at all)." And there's no where in Canada where you could not vote with free ID. Unlike in the US where some state try to discredit the use of free ID like student cards in a bid to refrain the poor from voting.

"There are no ballot drop boxes like in the US. Advanced registration with ID is required for mail in voting, and ballots have to be RECEIVED not post marked, a week before the election happens (so up to 2 weeks earlier than in the US)." And this as nothing to do with why I have confidence in Canadian election. Offering more way for people to vote is always good. I would appreciate all those and still have full confidence in our election.

"The US could adopt those features from Canada that are supported by all the left-wing governments here." Canada can adopt a way better system than first past the post where parties can form a majority government with sub 40% representation.

"But unfortunately, the US has crazy Democrats who don't want a reliable electoral system. They call people racist if they want a trustworthy system like all the other modern countries." Pretty sure those other modern countries your referring to pretty much view many voter restriction bill by red state as racist.

"They said Trump was illegitimate and they are saying the future 2024 election will be the same, even though it hasn't happened yet. Then they are surprised the right thinks the same calling Biden illegitimate (how did he get more votes than Obama?)." Democrats did not challenge the 2016 election result, did not try to paint it as fraudulent either. Hilary conceded on the spot. So this is pretty much bullshit.

"There is no desire among the left in the US to improve democracy." Voting right bill senate vote pretty much tell the absolute opposite Plus if you are for improving democracy how about give representation to Puerto Rico and Washington dc. As far as I know they are us citizen lacking representation which is an obvious flaw for a democracy and yet Democrats are the only one wanting those to be represented in the government.