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Eagle367 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Yeah, that's exactly how China and russia run their elections. They don't let those that they consider "treasonous traitors" run. I'm not sure copying those countries should be considered a good thing for democratic nations...

Yes, the monarchist should be allowed to run. I people vote for them then them winning is democratic. A lot of people are stupid and vote against their own interests, but part of democracy is still allowing those people to vote.

You keep ignoring what I am saying and making bad comparisons that you know are disingenuous.  You are taking away democracy from the people if you let a monarchist or fascist run. Your democracy won't survive. The putin example you made, it's exactly how putin got in power in the first place. Same with Orban. They ran in a vulnerable democrats with no protections against bad faith actors and then they dismantled democracy. If you don't protect your democrats you end up like Russia or Hungary or turkey or India. Trump wanted to do this too. 

You are taking choice away from all future people just for one instance of a decision. What about the future people who will be forced to live under a monarch with no democracy anymore? So your argument is let the people kill democracy and offer no protections for its continued existence?

They're not disingenuous comparisons, they're exactly what you're asking for. You're asking for a system where certain people are prevented from even being allowed to run for a political position based on their opinions on certian matters. You're asking for a discriminatory system, one that's inherently un-democratic. Nobody should have the right to determine who can and can't run, that makes them far too powerful and the system far too easy to manipulate.