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People need to learn political theory. Left isn't less government and right isn't more government. Thats not how this works. The point is about how they handle policies and hierarchies and rigidness and a lot of factors. This is like the meme "socialism is when government does stuff and communism is when it does more stuff". That's a joke we make to make fun of people who don't understanding political and economic theory. And there isn't variation across the globe its the same. Anarchists are far left in US, pakistan, Japan, Ethiopia, Russia, Spain, Australia, etc. Fascism is far right anywhere. Anarchism is about flattening hierarchies, socialism is about workers owning the means of production, Communism is about the removal of state, money and class, liberalism is the enlightenment values and differing opinions of that make you a socdem, liberal, neoliberal, neoconservative, con, and that state and all of them are capitalist in mode of production. Fascism was defined by humberto eco's 14 points, libertarianism and "anarcho-capitalism" are things that can't work and will fall apart. Monarchism and those far right things are usually about serfdom and the like. That is true monarchism.

So yeah left wing if you could make it seem as simple as possible is about moving forward towards flattening hierarchies and right wing is about enacting more and more hierarchies even going back towards the most hierarchic system humanity ever had aka serfdom and slavery.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also