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Runa216 said:

Anarchy is the most extreme version of far right politics while Fascism is ironically near the farthest end of the left, with a dictatorship being I believe the farthest left. And that's not some sort of cultural hot take, it is the truth by definition. 

You have it backwards. Anarchism (the political philosophy) originated on the far-left. Early anarchists like Godwin, Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Joseph Déjacque were all leftists and socialists (in Godwin's case proto-socialist.) 

It wasn't until the 1950's when the right-wing liberal Murray Rothbard tried to synthesize certain forms of American individualist anarchism (Benjamin Tucker's "Boston Anarchism") which was still a far-left ideology, with the so-called Austrian School of Economics (right-wing liberalism) that there ever was a so-called "right-wing anarchism" and most actual anarchists don't see "propertarian anarchists" or "anarcho-capitalists" as genuine anarchists.