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RolStoppable said:
Chrkeller said:

Same is true with liberals and the far left.  

The middle doesn't exist anymore.  

I don't know about that. I don't see the democrats who are in charge pushing far-left policies. The republicans, however, did go for far-right policies when Trump was president, and since then the republican party has not only stayed on this course, but even doubled down on it.

It's not that the middle doesn't exist anymore in the USA, rather it's that the middle has been absorbed by the democratic party. Nowadays the republicans are the party for racists and people who don't mind to associate themselves with racists.

You have to keep in mind, that from the European perspective with its much broader spread of the political spectrum due to much more than two political parties in each country, the democrats in the USA qualify as a party with conservative policies, so they are on the right side of the center. That's why there's no serious threat that the far-left could get major influence in American politics and why your post is misguided at best.

It's very annoying when people try to both sides things. People think AOC and Bernie are the "far left". And forget many dems are right of centre. It's just the republican have gone so far right they are into fascism. And also, is anarchism as bad as fascism? And does anarchism have any power anywhere? That's the far left. Do actual communists have any power? Do socialists have any power or representation? Socialists aren't even the far left. And what's bad or scary about socialism? Are the "far left" and "far right" equally dangerous? 

The furthest left the US has with any real power I'd a guy who wants to give universal Healthcare and wants a progressive tax system plus affordable education.  That's the middle for Americans if you poll them. So where is the "far left" again? 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also