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I picked up the new 360 mag in UK today on the way to work. Read quite a bit on my 45 mins bus journey. I came across a 4 page Fable 2 article and the more I read the more it sounded like "MY" game of the year.

The graphics and lighting are already superb, but then I read on that all the foliage in the game actually grows and gets bigger as you play. From grass and flowers to huge trees. The weather system sounds really intricate. For instance it's not just a case of new day starts and it rains that day and so on. It has weather systems. You can actually see clouds gathering together as you play until a few hours later and it thunderstorms. Proper seasons means months of snow in certain places in the game.

On top of that on their playthrough there is not just an odd deer or rabbit here and there, there is over 40 different species roaming around. Squirrels, fox's all sorts of creatures. Also what I didnt know was that any house or dungeon, keep anything is available to buy(for the right price) as to house your family. Choices actually feel like they affect gameplay(not the usual 1 of 3 choices drivel we have seen in the past). But layers of choices upon choices. Cities entirely burnt down and not there for the rest of the game or completely flourishing as a result of your actions.

There is so much that the 360 is doing at any given time I'm surprised this was possible this gen with the level of detail in the graphics and lighting as well.

Certainly am hyped for this one now. Roll on launch day, I cant wait any longer.


Edit: Heres some screens as well. Thought it appropriate.