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Monday news, the long part two:

Kerbal Space Program 2 is finally coming
It's been a mighty long wait, but the green bean-flinging Kerbal Space Program 2 finally has a release date… for early access, anyway. After three years and four delays, the rocket-building sim is arriving on Steam and Epic on February 24, 2023.

The Sims creator Will Wright is making a blockchain game because of course he is
It's been awhile since we last heard from Will Wright, the famed designer behind SimCity, The Sims, and (for the oldsters out there) Raid on Bungeling Bay. And it brings me no pleasure to say that he recently revealed what he's up to these days, and it's a blockchain game called Voxverse.

The best Overwatch 2 players in the world are all playing the same tank
One of the original tank heroes in Overwatch is now an unstoppable force in Overwatch 2.
Zarya, the cannon-wielding Russian weightlifter, is the most played tank by the game's highest ranked competitive players. Reddit user TheForrestFire found that 83.3% of the top tank players in North America almost exclusively play Zarya, and that all of the top 30 have her in their top three most played heroes. And if you look at the hour counts on many of those players, their time on Zarya far outweighs the other tanks.

Riot Games pays tribute to young Valorant fan who died of cancer by giving away a unique gun buddy
Riot Games has paid its respects to a young Valorant fan who died of cancer earlier this year with a new gun charm called Corbin's Light that's available for free in the current battle pass.

The Exorcist by way of the Commodore 64 just dropped on Steam
"What I am about to do has not been approved by the Vatican." So utters Faith: The Unholy Trinity's protagonist on his descent into the supernatural. Developed by Airdorf Games and published by boomer shooter boy band New Blood, Faith: The Unholy Trinity is an 8-bit horror game where you play a priest investigating a Satanic possession.
Faith has an immediately arresting art style, with graphics reminiscent of PC games from the 1980s⁠—I immediately think of Castle Wolfenstein by Muse Software, released in 1981 (can you believe that id's seminal FPS was actually a reboot?). Everything's presented on a black background, with characters and details represented in simple, primary color sprites.
>> I'll be the first to admit that I didn't know id's Castle Wolfenstein was a reboot.

Warm up for the World Series with this free baseball game full of animals
We're only a week away from the 2022 World Series, and as the final four teams duke it out for a coveted spot you can enjoy a brand-new baseball game on Steam—provided you're willing to put up with some small rule changes. Like, instead of human players the teams are completely made up of wild animals. You're cool with that, right?

New tech lets blind, visually impaired people play Trackmania
A French organization is developing technology to give visually impaired people more ability to perceive their environment—and they're using videogames to test and expand it. In the process they've managed to make Trackmania accessible to even those who are totally blind.

The adorably puzzly landscapes of Dorfromantik get some cherry blossoms
Delightfully relaxed tile-placing game Dorfromantik has a new update out on Steam that adds a new biome, one of pink cherry blossom trees and boxy little houses, for your pleasure.

Use disposable android bodies to take down megacorps in this cyberpunk FPS
A roguelike cyber-shooter is sitting on Steam's hot releases this weekend: Deadlink, a game where you're part of an elite anti-evil-corporation task force uses remote-piloted androids called "autonomous combat shells" to bring a brand of vicious justice "for a fraction of the cost of a hopeless court case."

Resident Evil Re:Verse is about to have an early access beta ahead of its Oct 28 launch
The Resident Evil showcase answered some of our questions about Resident Evil Village's DLC and the Resident Evil 4 Remake, but also squeezed in a gung-ho launch trailer for the long-delayed online multiplayer add-on for Resident Evil Village called Re:Verse, which will be out on October 28.

Silent Hill 2's original translator wasn't told about the remake
Bloober Team's upcoming remake of Silent Hill 2 seems to be following the 2001 original's plot, based on what little we've seen so far. (...)
Jeremy Blaustein, who translated Silent Hill 2's script into English as well as directing the motion capture and voiceover production, responded to the remake being announced on Twitter. "Cool!" he wrote. "And they will, once again, use the SH2 English script that I wrote/translated (oh, directed too) completely by myself and I will get zero compensation for it and there will not be tens of thousands of people on Twitter outraged on my behalf."

Secret messages found in Silent Hill Townfall's promotional material
In case you're having trouble telling them apart, Silent Hill Townfall is the new Silent Hill game being developed by Stories Untold studio No Code and published by Annapurna Interactive. Not the Silent Hill 2 remake or the prequel set in Japan called Silent Hill F. When Townfall was announced during Konami's Silent Hill transmission, creative director Jon McKellan said, "It's a real honor for us to bring a new title to this series that both respects the source material, but also does something a little bit different with it."
He concluded by saying, "So obviously the teaser trailer is just the beginning, we can't show you any more, [...] it might be worth watching that trailer again, and see what you might have missed." The internet took that as a challenge, and has already found some secrets buried inside it.

The vibes are immaculate in Victoria 3's 'LoFi VicHop tracks to chill or industrialise to' video
I don't recall which volume it was, but I'm pretty sure that somewhere in Capital it's written that industrial capitalism came into the world "dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with rhythm and beats". Evidently, no one is more aware of that than the folks at Paradox, who have seen fit to bless us with "Victoria 3: LoFi VicHop—tracks to chill or industrialise to" ahead of tomorrow's release of Victoria 3.

Disco Elysium writer is suing developer ZA/UM
Earlier this month, Martin Luiga—Studio ZA/UM founding member and developer on one of PC Gamer's all-time favourites Disco Elysium—announced the "dissolution of the ZA/UM Cultural Association." He said that the company as a cultural project "no longer represents the ethos it was founded on," adding that artist Aleksander Rostov, and writers Helen Hindpere and Robert Kurvitz, left "involuntarily." In a follow-up interview, Luiga said that the three were "fired on false premises," implying that legal action against ZA/UM was incoming.
Now, as reported by TechNewsSpace, that does indeed seem to be the case. As seen on the Estonian Ministry of Justice site Riigi Teataja, writer Kurvitz has filed against ZA/UM on behalf of his own company, Telomer OÜ.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.