The other half (more or less) of the Thursday news:
Without warning, Warhammer 40,000: Regicide has been removed from Steam and shut down
Warhammer 40,000: Regicide is a bolters-and-chainswords take on chess that was good enough to land square in the middle of our grand ranking of every WH40K game ever. Sadly, its days of glory are over: After seven years of operation, the servers have been closed and the Regicide has been delisted from Steam and mobile storefronts.
McDonalds is offering an epic Overwatch 2 skin in Australia
Cheers love, the Maccies is here.
Blizzard is offering a skin to McDonalds customers in Australia and New Zealand at the moment. I can't say it's a pairing that I would have instantly thought of, especially as a region-exclusive item but hey, I'm sure Tracer loves a Chicken Select as much as I do at 2 am. We're basically soul sisters.
'Fallout's yours'—Todd Howard learned he could make Fallout 3 from a Post-It
The Fallout series recently celebrated its 25th birthday, meaning that in another decade it'll be old enough to run for president of the irradiated United States. (...)
In a video published by Bethesda this week (embedded below), members of the Fallout 3 team shared their memories of taking over the development of the series—including Todd Howard, who served as Fallout 3's game director. Turns out Howard received the earth-shaking news that Bethesda had acquired the license for Fallout the same way I remind myself to take vitamins: with a Post-It note.
Marvel's Midnight Suns hints at Deadpool joining the team
An awful lot of hero-types have passed through the roster of Midnight Sons, the original spelling of the super-team that's now known as Midnight Suns, and which will soon be brought to the world of videogames as Marvel's Midnight Suns. Most of them are C-listers at best, like Iron Fist, Man-Thing, Morbius, Werewolf By Night, and Wong, but there are a few names that have been brought to popular acclaim by the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Wolverine, Doctor Strange, maybe Blade if you're into that sort of thing. One name that is definitely not on the Midnight Sons list, however, is Deadpool.
Minecraft's new camels are already here in a new beta build
Minecraft 1.20 beta builds have started arriving just days after Mojang showed the first features for the next major update over the weekend.
Technically, anyway.
We finally know when Bastion will return to Overwatch 2
Have you seen this robot? He's about 7'3", approximately 2 tons, and has a friendly bird on his shoulder. After nine days missing from the game without any updates, Overwatch commercial leader Jon Spector announced on Twitter that Bastion would finally return to Overwatch 2 on October 25. By that time, he will have been gone for over two weeks. Spector also announced that the Junkertown map has been removed to fix a bug affecting graphical performance, but it'll be back on the same day as Bastion.
The best series about being a detective who is also a frog concludes next week
Forget Silent Hill and disregard Uncharted, because my favourite game series about amphibious sleuths and their crustacean partners returns to us on October 27 with Frog Detective 3: Corruption at Cowboy County.
Modders figured out how to keep playing the Street Fighter 6 beta, so Capcom removed the game
The Street Fighter 6 beta was good. Like, really good. So much so that the few players who were even able to get into the beta wanted a way to continue playing after it ended on October 10. Well, it happened, and now Capcom has put everyone on the naughty step by removing the game's executable file from people's computers.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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