Киев, утро 18/10/22, с крылатой ракетой Х-101 на подлёте к ТЭЦ-6 что-то произошло непонятное https://t.co/atLpDFqn7w #RussianUkrainianWar #Киев pic.twitter.com/hJk49uZZDH
— Necro Mancer (@666_mancer) October 19, 2022
That was close.
Russian channels are proudly showing off the scale of new defensives lines that have been prepared by Wagner in occupied Donbas.
— Artoir (@ItsArtoir) October 19, 2022
They don't seem to have noticed it appears to be to defending mostly pre Feb 24th positions.
Would seem they don't expect to hold Northern Luhansk. pic.twitter.com/49BLnkhAv0