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Apparently the VA work for the first Bayonetta was only 16 hours, 4 sessions of four hours each. Union standard pay is apparently around $1000 for 4 hours, which means if the work required for Bayonetta 3 is similar, they wanted to pay her an industry standard sum. She has no track record in gaming VA appart from Bayonetta, but she still felt like she deserved more than most others make. She clearly thinks she's more important than she really is. Her comments toward Jennifer Hale show her overinflated ego even more. Bayonetta was not created by her, she judt read the lines.
Her entire behaviour is extremely unprofessional and entitled. She broke an NDA and will likely get sued over that.

So because she feels like she deserves more money than most VAs all of the developers who worked hard on the game for 5 years should suffer and the entire franchise should die.
Voice acting is the least important part of any game. She was easily replaced and then gets all salty despite being the one who refused the offer in the first place.

That $450 million that the franchise supposedly made is bullshit. It obviously didn't make that much. The first game was a financial flop, the second game took two rereleases and many years to reach 1mil copies sold, most copies were sold below full price. Beyond that she has no way of knowing how much the franchise makes.
That obvious lie puts everything she said into question.

Conclusion: A highly unlikeable person with an overinflated ego is mad that she doesn't get payed more than everyone else and therefore wants to burn the entire ship she herself willingly jumped off of and even attacks her replacement thinking she owns the character. Someone who behaves like that won't get hired that easily again, not like she got hired for VA much in the first place. Her only notable role is Bayonetta.