Deeply shocked by Russia’s attacks on civilians in #Kyiv and other cities in Ukraine.
— Josep Borrell Fontelles (@JosepBorrellF) October 10, 2022
Such acts have no place in 21st century. I condemn them in the strongest possible terms.
We stand with Ukraine. Additional military support from the EU is on its way.
#russiaTerrorState #StopTheWar
— Klitschko (@Klitschko) October 10, 2022
Ukraine’s train manager is unhappy 37 trains aren’t running to schedule. Nearly a hundred missiles no excuse, it seems.
— Oliver Carroll (@olliecarroll) October 10, 2022
My fitness center and the German consulate were located in this building, hit by the Russians tonight. I am sorry for bringing this personal time into my tweets, it is not about playing a victim while sitting in safe Berlin. I just recognize every goddam photo and cannot stop.
— Sergej Sumlenny (@sumlenny) October 10, 2022
Ukrainian Air Force @KpsZSU destroyed ?? 45 missiles and 9 #Iranian UAV'S #Shahid during the first half of October 10.
— ArmyInform (@armyinformcomua) October 10, 2022
Look at this girl! She just walks down the street and a rocket comes flying. Most likely she goes to the University. What is she guilty of? Why is this happening to us? We need to win. Give us weapons.
— Oleksiy Goncharenko (@GoncharenkoUa) October 10, 2022