It's odd that only the real 4080 has a wattage range while the others have a fixed value. And depends on the CPU of the system, it's easy to see why ASUS recommends such high capacity power supplies. A 4090 coupled with a 7950X or a 12900K/13900K will need a beefy PSU.
And AMD should really start to do something about their naming scheme. It's actually neat that they label their revisions with the xx50 moniker because it's easy to understand that it's a superior version of the card with that number, but why do they use it for their flagship CPUs and GPUs? It's silly.
Oh, and given how much they've talked about efficiency, their cards better deliver in performance, because there isn't much difference between them and Nvidia in terms of Watts unless the 7700XT goes against the 4070 12GB and 7800XT against the 4080 16GB, which would be a surprise (a good one).
Nice bug, the one from Overwatch 2. It's funny how those kinds of bugs very, very rarely go the other way around, giving players stuff for free.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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