Meanwhile in Russia: Putin has nothing to say.
— Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) October 8, 2022
This pair of PlanetScope images, captured just one day apart on October 7 and 8, 2022, shows the damaged Kerch Strait Bridge following a major explosion today. This is the only bridge that connects the Crimean peninsula with the Russian mainland.
— Planet (@planet) October 8, 2022
Russian repair crews have sent the first test train across the damaged section of the Crimean Bridge. A dozen passenger trains are scheduled to follow tonight, Transport Ministry officials say. A remarkable feat, given the footage of the damage from just hours ago.
— Kevin Rothrock (@KevinRothrock) October 8, 2022
Course they're starting with passenger trains ?
It is impressive how fast they've got it back up again though; it turns out that there is at least one thing that Russia is good at. Ukraine will just have to hit it again with whatever they hit it with the first time, current speculation being an underwater drone.