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gtotheunit91 said:

That's awesome the Dead Space remake won't require Origin! Idk why EA doesn't do that for every game they have on Steam. Apex Legends doesn't even need Origin. That requirement is what's stopping me from getting the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition still holding out hope that they'll eventually drop that requirement.

The thing that irks me, is that EA is actually being smart about this, but the rest of the other clients aren't.

Ubi is still pushing for users on PC to sub to their client and use their network, despite the fact that it is still smaller than Steam, still less used than Steam, and then you have Epic trying to get devs to enforce "crossplay", which in turn has a good chunk of games on Steam enforcing stupid online requirements for that crossplay to even perform it's function, and in some mistaken cases, require an EG account to run.

I just wish every other client got the memo and stopped trying to enforce and just let us buy what we want, without having to make multiple accounts for data gathering purposes (because that's all it ends up being at the end of the day).

Sony making PSN sign ins optional is an alright start, but I really hope they do not eventually reach that path, where they will start enforcing it, or worse, create their own "launcher" that will attach itself to Steam and require it to be installed, just to launch games on Steam (much like Ubisoft and R* and even 2k require now). 

We shouldn't need extra launchers from a publisher within an existing client, those pubs should know that race was over and done with 10+ years ago. Steam isn't going anywhere, stop trying to move us to a smaller, more inferior garden, that offers next to no benefits for being herded into them. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"