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drkohler said:
crissindahouse said:

Kadyrov promoted and now they kidnapp all children out of Kherson.

Kadyrow is a very, very loose cannon. Putin has to keep him "a friend" with whatever means he has, in this case an upkick in the ranks. The best thing to do for the US would be to organise unrest in Chechnya, Kadyrow and his cronies would instantly run back home. Won't happen, though.

Eh, he's probably more like Putin's most trusted puppet, not a loose cannon. Kadyrov is nothing without Putin's support and I bet Russian elite and FSB would love to replace him.

Kadyrov is desperate for Putin's war to succeed and Putin to stay in power.

Ryuu96 said:

Good stuff! Nice to feel proud of our prime minister for a change :P