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Musk is at minimum a moron who is parroting Russian propaganda so he's a twat no matter what his goals are, I think we can all agree with that. Given his suggestions, I wouldn't be surprised if he has been listening to pro-Russian news outlets or Tucker Carlson, Lol. Just another rich dude who thinks he's a genius in every area in life and his thoughts are the only good ones.

His ideas basically amounted to giving Russia almost everything they want, a forced neutral Ukraine, after everything Russia has done to them, surrendering Crimea to Russia based on Russian propaganda, forcing Ukraine to supply water to a country that just tried to genocide them. All on the insane belief that Russia won't just use this opportunity to shore up their military and try again later.

His referendum ideas were a joke too, especially since these regions have already voted in favour of leaving Russia in the past. It's ridiculous and basically suggests that Russia can invade anywhere it wants now and that country will have to do a forced referendum under supervision just to be sure they don't want to be Russian. Lol.

Russia might as well invade America, kill a few hundred thousand people, displace even more, install some Russian puppets and then genius Musk idea is that we force America to hold a referendum on voting if these lands should be American or Russian (Yes, I know this won't happen and it's not a legit suggestion, it's just meant to show how dumb his idea is).

Some Westerners, like Musk, don't realise how incredibly insulting their proposals are, how easy it is for them to suggest this stuff from the comfort of their nations which aren't under threat at all, who don't understand a thing about how Ukraine is feeling and don't even bother to try to understand how they're feeling, he should stfu and let Ukraine do what it thinks is best for its country.

Also, the annoying nuclear war fearmongering, often used by Russia to try to scare the West into not supporting Ukraine and the fearmongering about Russia's imaginary millions strong army, Russia's "full mobilisation" which many actual military experts (unlike Musk) have said at this stage won't make much of a difference at all because shockingly, you have to actually be able to supply those troops in a war and command them efficiently.

He's just being a richer Tucker Carlson but without a few of the conspiracy theories that Tucker vomits out. So, I think we can agree, he's an idiot at best, a Russian stooge at worst, no matter what his goals were with that tweet.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 05 October 2022