Interestingly, RU State TV now claiming it will take “two months” to get recently mobilized to the front lines in Ukraine.
— Mark Hertling (@MarkHertling) October 5, 2022
Great. But will they be able to do anything? No friggin’ way.
RU may be able to train the basics of soldiering in 2 months.
But…. 1/5
-You can’t “coordinate” tankers, infantry, arty, intel, engineers, air forces & others for battlefield operations in 2 months
— Mark Hertling (@MarkHertling) October 5, 2022
-you can’t “counter distrust” soldiers have in RU govt in 2 months
-after 60,000 dead soldiers, you can’t reverse the loss felt by RU mothers & wives 3/
But suffice to say, any RU State TV commentator or pundit who are saying things will be better - in the winter! - in just 2 months needs to remember just one thing:
— Mark Hertling (@MarkHertling) October 5, 2022
You can’t change culture in 2 months.
Doing that takes years, even decades.
Putin will keep losing. 5/5