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The idea that Sony wants money, specifically PC money, but they only want Live service money first and single-player/co-op later, utterly baffles me.

Like what else do you gain by making another platform you're clearly interested in, waiting another year?. Personally I disagree with waiting a year and being expected to pay £55-65, when you can easily find the game cheaper or at a discount on PS4/PS5. The Bells and whistles aren't worth the extra money spent, because that's what I've come to expect from Sony, quality, not "here's a barebones port job numerous yrs later, take it or leave it", like no, your whole brand deal is trying to tell your audience you are about quality, ergo, those bells and whistles you market for PC ports are the staple, not the "extra topping, now pay me extra".

like shit, back in the old days, devs literally tossed in patches for free, giving players extra content, or times like 2010-2016, when publishers allowed PC players to obtain remasters for free, for owning the OG base games, because on PC, they were seen as nothing but mere patch updates.

Spider-man with raytracing?, that's what Nvidia and AMD are pushing for with the tech, that's not something I should be paying extra for in a PC port, when I'm already expected to dump my soul into a brand new GPU in the current market.

I'm saying this now, because I've dealt with morons in the past that try to make some galaxy level gymnastic flips as to why paying extra for late PC ports makes sense (when it really fucking doesn't, because what happened in the old days worked, it can work now, stop excusing paying more each time, because it gives them that extra mile to fuck you with).

Like they can carry on using this dated strategy of theirs, but they aren't going to see money from me for 2 years per title, and it's going to have me either waiting for the deep discount, or not buying it at all, because well, it's my time, my money, fuck off if you don't wanna respect either, it's really simple, MS understands this, and sure it took them years to finally get on track, but at least they're sticking to the current strategy to make that money.

I dunno, it just feels like Sony is still coasting the waves of the last few gen W's, instead of waking up and actually getting back to work (instead Jim wastes his time bitching at MS buying out ActiBlizz, instead of putting more focus on the market they just entered after yrs, that MS already occupies, and is doing good with).

Ultimately I just think they are incredibly dumb to think that they can continue using that strat, while MS does day and date and earns from both, live services included, and MS will just end up making more money in both the short and long-term, while Sony every so slowly chugs along, refusing to adapt to the times. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 04 October 2022

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"