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Definitely PS1. Aside from some good first/second party games, the N64 was sorely lacking in good games in genres that were established in the 3rd and 4th gens. Stuff like good side scrollers and RPGs. And we had an overabundance of racers and sports titles. I remember when talk of a possible N64 classic was being tossed around, I had a hard time even thinking of 20 good games for it. he PS1 felt more like a continuation of the SNES than the N64 did. It felt like a more well rounded system, even if its graphics were inferior to the N64. Of course, I wasn't too keen on either system when they first came out and I went full PC during that generation. Most of my experience with these systems were well after the generation was over. So I feel I'm not tainted with nostalgia.

I never played the Saturn, but once the MiSTer FPGA project makes more progress on the Saturn, I fully intend on familiarizing myself with its games.