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The thing about announcing the next gen switch before the holiday...would probably kill the current switch sales. Nintendo still has some heavy hitters waiting for sale this holiday season so I do anticipate the switch to have strong sales for the remainder of this year. The only reason why Nintendo teased the switch earlier in because the Wii U was a dead console. They had nothing to make people go wild during the holidays of 2016 and the 3ds was on it's last legs so it was clearly a better move to continue forward with the next gen console and build hype for the switch instead of saying we have nothing for you this holiday and the first quarter of 2017.

I do anticipate that the switch successor will be announced after the holidays and at least 5 months before the release of the next gen console. If the rumors are true, Nvidia may have shutdown the fabrication of the tegra x1 mariko at the end of 2021 so it's a possibility that Nintendo has been working with a limited supply of switches in general. When there's smoke there's fire, so it would make sense that a next gen switch is coming sooner than people think, it also goes hand in hand with Nintendo facing some shortages as they have to ration what stock they have to make it through this holiday season and possibly the first half of 2023.

We should take this with a grain of salt but it could hold some weight here are a few sources that Nvidia has been rumored to stopping the production of the tegra x1.