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JEMC said:

If they're so dumb to do that they'll face the same situation: having spent billions in R&D, buying foundry capacity and the pilling up warehouses full of cards only to see them covered in spiderwebs due to lack of demand.

On a more serious note, if both AMD and Nvidia price their cards out of the leage of the mass consumers, the GPU market could shrink a lot, causing both of them to lose insane amounts of money.

Who knows, maybe EVGA decided to exit the market at the right time.

While I and no doubt, some others would never really leave the market if such a thing were to happen, I cannot say the same for those that have spend the past decade, being gimped by both nvidia or AMD in different regions. I certainly don't want to see PC gaming reach this far, only to let 1-2 GPU leaders go mad with greed and then severely cripple the market, that could take years to recover with regained trust/decent pricing. 

After seeing the prices of at least 2 of their cards, yeah, I think EVGA made the right call, they wouldn't be able to sell their own 80/90 cards at even higher prices than Nvidia currently set them as, and trying to sell them cheaper would just mean losing out on any profit, meaning they'd be fucked if they did decide to sell.

I just think nvidia is a case of what happens when you get high end market domination for nearly a decade and a half (I'm talking most wins/sales in general).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"