Captain_Yuri said: I think crypto mining is what fucked everything up. Before, GPU launches used to be simple and predictable because companies knew that in order to sell, they had to put gamers first. There was no free ticket and while Titan and Halo products were a thing, we always had that bang for buck GPUs. Now it's like... Pascal launched with great prices and performance. Crypto boom happened during the end of Pascal, GPU manufacturers made a ton of money, there was oversupply due to crash and flooding in the GPU market and Turing prices got goofed. Fair enough, happened once... But then... Ampere launched with great prices and performance, crypto boom happened but this time, during the majority of Ampere's life, GPU manufacturers made a ton of money, Crypto crashed, there is now an oversupply and GPUs being flooded into the market. And now Lovelace prices are goofed. It's all dumb and this hobby keeps getting more and more expensive. We used to have potato masher builds from Kepler all the way to mid Pascal that truly showcased the value of PCs. Now it's like, PC gaming is for the rich. GPU prices going up, CPU prices going up, Motherboard prices going up, Ram prices were already up and since they are all increasingly more power hungry, you need a new PSU and electricity prices are going up. It's so dang annoying. But I think once I get the 4090, I'll stick with it for a while instead of continuing my GPU upgrades every two years. |
We really do seem to be going all the way back to the early 00's of "PC gaming is so expensive", and this time it's not because of our spending habits of choice, but because the suppliers/creators are literally expecting us to keep paying more and more of what was a limited time profit boom.
This is like how everyone getting into Streaming right now thinks that they can all make a profit indefinitely, but that's not how that works lol, it's why I don't see Netflix or Disney staying with Streaming indefinitely, because both seem to just not offer the value for the long-term, and no one is gonna want to pay for less value over the long-term.
I don't know why market leaders are trying to effectively self mutilate an entire market, but then again this could be an Wilson type of plan, where the execs simply self destruct the companies from within, fuck off outta the plane with their golden parachutes, only to land on another plane in a different market to rinse and repeat, because that's all I can think of that comes to my mind. There is virtually no other logical reason as to why the market could be this self destructive in trying to price everyone but the 1% out.
I've also noticed that Sony more or less started a push for the $10 increase, and now other AAA's are following in their footsteps and I'm just here like "does everyone just have to fucking spam the same shit to self damage the same market?". Like I said some months ago, I feel like I'm being priced out of the AAA space, and now I'm 100% feeling this with the PC parts space too.
Is it me, or have multiple markets hired zoomer or really retarded millennial finance/projector folks?, because jesus christ are the expectations of the market leaders so insanely greedy/retarded/out of touch. We're a species that is meant to learn and adapt, not spam the same shit and expect indefinite wealth.
I noticed in that Sony thread, that some older folks were pointing out that Video games were indeed expensive, back in the 80's, like yeah, no shit, that was back then, look at the current time frame Sherlock Homes, shit is slowly repeating itself again, where parts prices and video prices are rising and inflating, history is repeating itself once again, so no to those ppl in that thread, shit is definitely not getting cheaper.
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"