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Tuesday news, part two:

Thief 2 prototype appears in yet another leak
While not quite on the same scale as Grand Theft Auto 6 or Diablo 4, another recent video game leak has provided an intriguing insight into one of the PC's most critically acclaimed games. Over the weekend, an unfinished prototype of Thief 2: The Metal Age appeared on the Internet.

Fortnite's best new season 4 skin is a bear piloting another bear
Goo is taking over Fortnite. The cinematic for Fortnite Chapter 3: Season 4, which premiered on Sunday, shows a chrome goo spreading across the island, and it looks like it's going to take some multiverse shenanigans to set things right. That makes this the ideal season for Spider-Gwen from Into the Spider-Verse to make her Fortnite debut, then.

Electronic Arts CEO kinda hopes Call of Duty will become an Xbox exclusive
Possibly the biggest potential obstacle to the biggest videogame industry acquisition of all time—Microsoft's proposed takeover of Activision-Blizzard—is Call of Duty, and specifically the possibility that Microsoft could one day make it a console exclusive, thereby denying it to Sony. Microsoft has repeatedly said it won't—at least, not anytime soon—while Sony says the actual on-paper guarantees fall far short of public representations.
Amidst all the hubbub, there's one man who wouldn't mind terribly if Microsoft did someday decide to make Call of Duty a platform exclusive: Andrew Wilson, CEO of Electronic Arts, who said during a recent Goldman Sachs event (transcribed by Seeking Alpha, via GameSpot) that even just the possibility of Call of Duty becoming an exclusive is good news for EA's Battlefield series.
>> No sh*t, Sherlock. They would have the most popular console all for themselves.

A follow up to 2016's trippiest FPS just released on Steam, and it's a thousand times trippier
In 2016, a first-person shooter called Devil Daggers appeared on Steam. It could've been the subject of a middle schooler's creepypasta: a game so demonic that most people only survive for a few seconds, and no one's seen the end, if there even is one. After several hours of play, my Devil Daggers survival record is just 70 seconds. How do you take a concept like that to the next level?
Hyper Demon, a surprise Devil Daggers follow up that released on Steam today, has the answer: a game so demonic that it's possible to survive for less than zero seconds.

The Taliban is banning PUBG for being too violent
The Taliban has announced that a much-discussed ban on PUBG: Battlegrounds—for "promoting violence" and "misleading youth"—will take effect in Afghanistan within three months, Khaama Press reports. The decision was announced following a recent meeting between Afghanistan's Ministry of Telecommunications, a Sharia law enforcement official, and security representatives.
>> Oh, the hypocrisy.

Looks like Sackboy: A Big Adventure is all but confirmed for PC
Sony's stitched mascot Sackboy looks to definitely be heading to PC, as a Steam database update has all but confirmed a port of Sackboy: A Big Adventure.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.