Chazore said:
That also fucks me up, mainly because they are all meant to be partners in this business venture, not silent and distant rivals, and Nvidia is pretty much disregarding the rest of the vendors the way it does, tells us that they consider all it's vendor partners as such, which doesn't make for a good business partnership. This is like how Disney has stopped trying to work with others and instead opted to buy whatever it wants up, make their own Streaming channel and ignore everything else. Nvidia knows they are the main supplier for all the vendors they do business with, so that's likely why they allowed this fall-through to happen and still not give a shit about EVGA wanting to pull out of the market. Sad thing is, this could happen to the rest, and Nvidia would still probably be fine with selling the cards by themselves, I mean that GN video points out that the vendors are losing out in terms of pricing vs what Nvidia prices at, so that tells us that Nvidia isn't concerned that they are undercutting their own partners in the same market. Ngl, this just makes Nvidia toxic, like in business, pricing and company image. We've already seen them give us the middle finger for 2 yrs and only now come grovelling back to the customer, but at the same time they seem perfectly fine fobbing off EVGA. Like I get that EVGA isn't entirely competent, going by their history, but Nvidia is still largely the one at fault (undercutting their partners, withholding information till the last moment when it benefits & suits them, etc). |
I agree, Nvidia doesn't see its AIB as partners, but more as leeches that benefit from their work and make a money that Nvidia believes should go to them. It's certainly not the best environment for its partners when you know that you're not welcome, and you're only allowed to work for them (not with them) because they can't do it by themselves. At least not yet.
On a related note, I'd like to know how AMD behaves in these matters with its partners. To know if they're as bad as Nvidia or if they're a little less insane. I'd have the same curiosity about Intel but, given that it's a newcommer, I don't think they've had the opportunity to behave like jerks.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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