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Wednesday news, part two:

Triangle Strategy comes to PC next month as our strategy RPG cup overfloweth
Triangle Strategy, Square Enix's first brand new stab at the strategy RPG in years, is about to land on PC where it belongs. Square announced on Tuesday that the turn-based tactics game hits Steam on October 13, sandwiching it right in the middle of two other fairly similar games from Square. At the end of this month it's launching real time tactics game The DioField Chronicle, and then in November we're getting the remastered Tactics Ogre: Reborn. If you're a glutton for number-crunching, grid-based Japanese RPGs, you are eating good this fall.

I've never seen art design like this in a survival horror game
Saturnalia, the ancient Roman festival to Saturn held during the winter solstice, represents the birth of a new sun. The death of the past. It eventually formed the spiritual center of what we call Christmas. My time with the game of the same name did not feature merry elves, bright candles, and cheerfully wrapped gifts, however. Instead I crawled around a dreamlike maze of an imaginary Italian town called Gravoi, evading a horrible monster and trying to solve a mystery.

This Wipeout-style anti-gravity racing game looks like a literal blast
There's nothing quite like the feeling you get when you’re playing a racing game and you hit the seam just right coming out of a turn, scorch over some ridiculous boost mechanic, and just… fly . Upcoming indie Turbo Force, from newcomers Blitzkrieg Games, looks like a good opportunity to do just that… in a year or so.
>> It reminds me more of F-Zero than Wipeout, but ok.

A huge nerf to one of Destiny 2's most powerful exotics got left off today's patch notes
Titan mains, it might be time to hang up your favourite hat. Following a hotfix that rolled out to Destiny 2 earlier today, players began noticing that the Loreley Splendor Helm was no longer functioning as it had pre-patch. In fact, it appeared to have eaten a substantial nerf. The text for the item's main perk still reads: "When you are critically wounded with full class ability energy or when you cast a Barricade, create a Sunspot at your location that has improved restoration effects."

This weird comedy horror game from March went mostly unnoticed
Running for my life down a dim and cluttered hotel hallway, I'm laughing my head off. That's the experience of The Upturned, a comedy horror game a lot of us missed when it came out on Steam back in March.

Wil Wheaton is trying to become a god in Star Trek Online
I've never been able to kick my Star Trek Online habit. There are better MMOs, but there's no other game that offers so much Trek. And while the more recent obsession with Discovery and the modern Mirror Universe hasn't really been doing it for me, the frequent nods to classic storylines and characters keeps me coming back. With the latest story update, Ascension, Wil Wheaton's Wesley Crusher joins the ranks of Star Trek alumni pottering about in the MMO.

COD Modern Warfare 2 wants your phone number before you can play on PC
Activision Blizzard has released the system requirements for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's open beta, including the rather oddball insistence that PC players "must" have their phone number linked to their or Steam account. I doubt Bobby Kotick's going to be using it for late night booty calls but, all the same, why does a game need your mobile number to run on your PC.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.