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Monday news, part two:

Stalker 2 studio denies further delays, despite Xbox pre-order refunds
GSC Game World, the developer of the upcoming Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, is one of the many studios that have been seriously affected by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the ongoing war in the region. (...)
Now Xbox has begun refunding pre-orders for the game, as first reported by Polish site XGP, with a message accompanying the refunds saying that the game has been postponed until an "unconfirmed date in the future." The Xbox Store has also stopped taking pre-orders for the game entirely. This however is not an indication of anything wider than a Microsoft policy of refunding pre-orders for games without a firm release date: why it's happened now is puzzling, but that is the reason why.

MultiVersus removes the police from Velma's special move
The MultiVersus patch that went live yesterday, taking the game to version 1.02, makes a number of big and small changes to the game, and one that's particularly interesting because it's so seemingly odd: Velma, the big brain of the Scooby Gang, will no longer call the police after solving a mystery.

Minecraft players will get to vote on the next mob to join the game yet again
The yearly Minecraft mob vote is coming back again, and this time you'll be able to participate even if you miss the Minecraft Live show next month.
The mob vote has been an emotionally charged competition in past years. Mojang typically shows off three choices during Minecraft Live, highlighting each of the potential new mobs to be added to Minecraft—be they animals, enemies, or helper creatures—and then puts the vote to players on Twitter during the two-ish hour long show. Opinions get hot on social media and in the livestream chat as fans and content creators jockey for their favorites until the winner is announced at the end. Typically, the mob chosen in the yearly vote arrives to the game in the following year's major update.

Marvel Snap, Ben Brode's new superhero card game, hits full release in October
Just over a month after scrapping its hugely unpopular monetization scheme, Second Dinner has announced that the free-to-play digital card battler Marvel Snap will go live on PC and mobile devices on October 8.

Surprise: there's a Tron visual novel coming next year
Well this is just about the last thing I expected to see during a Disney & Marvel game showcase: Bithell Games, makers of Thomas Was Alone and John Wick Hex, are making a new Tron game. Tron: Identity, announced on Friday, is a "visual novel adventure" set in the world of Tron.

Amy Hennig's upcoming Marvel game will feature Captain America and Black Panther in World War 2
Amy Hennig's Skydance New Media announced in October 2021 that it was working on a new Marvel game, and during today's Disney and Marvel Games Showcase we finally got our first look at it—sadly, a very limited look.

One of Elden Ring's best choral songs wasn't sung by a proper choir
Elden Ring's official soundtrack has been released on streaming services like Spotify today. The game's composer, Tsukasa Saitoh, shared some thoughts and development details to commemorate the occasion on the official PlayStation Blog.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is getting a final, free DLC
Tucked into the sequence of Assassin's Creed announcements at Ubisoft's Forward event earlier today, the company announced that Assassin's Creed Valhalla will be receiving a final, free DLC following its recent expansion pack, Dawn of Ragnarök.

Assassin's Creed Infinity is still years away
Today's Ubisoft Forward 2022 presentation gave us a bit of a look at what's coming for the future of Assassin's Creed with Assassin's Creed Infinity, the game that will drive the future of the franchise as a single service that spans multiple historical settings. If past releases are any indication, though, it's probably not coming until 2025.

After all these years someone made a proper tank simulator again
There are are plenty of games on the PC that let you drive a tank, but few of them these days aspire to simulator-level realism. They might have simulation elements, or use real life as a model, but ultimately most of the best games where you're driving a tank are either a decade old or ultimately beholden to multiplayer balance.
Gunner, HEAT, PC!, or GHPC, wants to change that. It's an indie by a new studio called Radian Simulations. Focused on the cold war era, GHPC uses the popular theoretical battleground of Germany as its kickoff point.
>> There's a trailer in the article, where you can see how true to reality the game is by having Soviet tanks turrets fly away.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.