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Here come the Friday news!


The Humble Store has a new sale with games from publisher Hypetrain Digital featuring up to 90% discounts during 6 days. There are keys for Steam, GOG (1) and EGS (1):

Fanatical has a new Star Deal: Eliza, 60% off during 24 hours:


Here is how you can use AMD FSR 2.1 in games that support NVIDIA DLSS 2.0 & AMD FSR 2.0
Yesterday, AMD announced and detailed FSR 2.1, a new version of its AI upscaling tech. And, from the looks of it, this version is compatible with 2.0, meaning that PC gamers can replace the DLL files and enable its latest version.
For all games that support AMD FSR 2.0, all you have to do in order to enable FSR 2.1 is replace the older DLL files. Those interested can download the compiled FSR 2.1 DLLs from here.
Similarly, for games that support NVIDIA’s DLSS, PC gamers can use a trick in order to force/enable AMD FSR 2.1. All you have to do is follow this guide. Modder ‘PotatoOfDoom’, creator of the Cyberpunk 2077 AMD FSR Mod, has already updated it to support AMD FSR 2.1, meaning you won’t have to do any additional installation steps.
>> You'll have to check the article to get the links.


Dark Souls Remastered gets a 35GB AI-enhanced 4K Texture Pack
Modder ‘Jack McKracKen’ has released a 4K Texture Pack for Dark Souls Remastered that enhances all of its environmental textures. This is a must-have Texture Pack for all those playing the first Dark Souls game, so be sure to download it.
In order to enhance the game’s textures, the modder used AI techniques. As such, these new upscaled textures retain the art style and aesthetics of the original ones.


Steelrising’s Ultra Textures require more than 13GB of VRAM, even at 1080p
Nacon has just released its new Souls-like game, Steelrising, on PC. And, surprisingly enough, Steelrising is one of the few games that comes with some ridiculously high VRAM requirements for its Ultra Textures.
>> Ridiculous.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.