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The Tuesday news:


GOG has a Special Sale featuring Ubisoft games up to 80% off during 3 days:

Steam has four new deals and also new weeklong deals:

And Fanatical's new Star Deal is Unrailed, 85% off during 24 hours:




Halo Reborn is a custom Halo campaign that will cover the entire trilogy with re-imagined missions and better graphics
A team of modders is working on an ambitious project that aims to cover the entire trilogy of the Halo games, called Halo Reborn. Halo Reborn will be using the Halo: The Master Chief Collection Engine, will take advantage of photogrammetry, and here are its first screenshots.
Halo Reborn will be using photogrammetry, 1k-4k textures, new foliage, skyboxes, and more to create beautiful vistas and environments. Furthermore, the team plans to revamp/improve all characters, vehicles, and weapons.
The modding team will be creating completely new levels and level layouts. As such, some things will appear in different places. The team also claims that it may cut some things (like for instance the large amount of backtracking in the first Halo game).


The Last of Us Part I Remake – In-Game Graphics vs Real-Life Locations Video Comparison
YouTube’s ‘ElAnalistaDeBits’ has shared a video in which they compare the in-game graphics of The Last of Us Part I Remake with their real-life locations. The Last of Us Part I takes place in numerous cities, such as Boston and Colorado. Thus, this video can give you an idea of how close to the real locations the game came.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.