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Azzanation said:
ConservagameR said:

Remember Nintendo Power? What happened to that? Did Nintendo change how they do consoles? Was it always for the better? Is anyone else allowed to change?

What about Sony and online. Didn't it used to be free? Why did they start charging? Could other companies have made online free? Could it be free now?

You can't say materials shouldn't have a cost to consumers, then say consumers don't want free products. Or do consumers want companies to literally sell them nothing for a price? Seems like a worse deal than $20-$50 more for a PS5.

How often does a big budget game from Sony end up low quality with terrible sales? That may be normal for other companies, but what does XB have to do with this?

Does any company like potential profits being gobbled up by scalpers, who are hated by everyone? I haven't seen Phil say it's great for the industry, so.

The US dollar is still strong. Most products are cheaper there for that reason. Just like how most products have increased in price due to inflation.

Is XB Series X $499 USD everywhere? Nobody pays more? Why not eat those costs? Does MS think they are lesser people? 

Does MS have shareholders? Have they ever complained about XB losses? Does MS not care about the value of their company?

If the competition is so fierce and Sony is so worried, why is Sony raising the price of PS5 most places, knowingly causing this controversy?

I'd agree with you if Sony caused inflation, while MS did not, but I don't believe that's the case. 

Let me answer all your dot points with one sentence. "Be better to raise prices, don't just raise prices." If you don't understand, let me explain.

Everything you have mentioned has improved which justify the prices. Example: PSN use to be free, it also use to be crap. They improved upon the service and now charge for it. Nintendo Power? Removing things does not cost the customers more. You have zero point with that example.

Quality games can come from all price ranges. Just because a game is quality doesn't mean it costs more. Xbox invest just as much in their big titles like Sony does. $100m budget game is still a $100m budget game.

Things can change, however change for the better and charge more if necessary. Sony is giving you the exact same PS5 model for more, zero improvements and infact even less PS5 since they are reducing the weight of it. Why not increase the storage space slightly, or give a little bit more to help justify it.

Sony has given the rest of the world the middle finger by raising the price while keeping the same price in the US even though the US suffers similar issues the rest of the world suffers. Want to know why? Because Sony has to keep good faith with the largest gaming community in the world, if they piss off the US they will lose too much market share. 

Sony also has to do better than last gen to please Shareholders, a much harder feat than Xbox with the Series X/S. And you are paying for it. 

If you disagree, disagree. At the end of the day, you are paying someone else's pockets and supporting it makes you part of the problem. Remember one thing, Sony and PS are still making Millions upon Billions. Maybe not as much as last gen but are still profiting. Instead of eating the cost like most companies do, they want you to pay more. 

As to your prior Nin point, things haven't always been the same. Nintendo Power is no longer the hardware direction, so why is it ok for that to change, since you also imply you're ok with Nintendo making money on the hardware. What about those gamers who lived and breathed Nintendo Power? Why is it only ok for Nin to charge too much and screw over the consumer, but not anyone else?

Was XB One screwing over the consumer until they finally removed the Kinect? Why didn't they leave the Kinect in and drop $100 like a good caring company would? The same reason they didn't include a disc drive in the Series S? What's another $25?

If budget doesn't mean anything when it comes to quality, why make big budget games at all? Why not make a ton of tiny budget games, instead of just a few big budget games, because you'd be far more likely to end up with way more quality based on quantity?

So is online for PC all garbage? It's free right? So it must be garbage? How could it be any good? Does PC use Live or PSN?

You mean change like costs going up due to inflation, and companies explaining that they're raising prices because of that? With the rare company like MS saying they aren't, while not explaining why, because saying, we're worth trillions so it means nothing, would be bad PR?

Both PS and XB charge more for their hardware outside of the US, so they both suck? That's a shame.

XB hasn't ever had to do well for shareholders period. Must be nice getting a free ride.

Isn't supporting something you find reasonable and enjoy, how things are supposed to work? Support them or they'll go away? That's a problem?

If you like your hard earned money going to scalpers to buy even more hardware to scalp at increased prices, at the end of the day, that's your choice. Me personally, I'd rather give it to the gaming company to reinvest in the hobby I enjoy. That's just me.