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I have a near 100% track record of flawless condition hardware: the only console I ever had that had an issue was my Dreamcast. This was EASILY fixed with a little know-how and some Google on the laser head. (it stopped reading discs and the head would just track around like crazy, turns out it's repairable with a screwdriver!) Literally everything else I've owned, controllers included, worked flawlessly until the day I traded them in/sold them. I also kept my controllers clean (even now, much to the chagrin of everyone who looks at me funny when I ask them to wash their hands before they touch my controllers) and hardware dusted. Anything I ever traded in or sold was met with the comment, "looks like you barely used it" which was absolutely NOT true lol

Of course, typing this is in and of itself a jinx. I KNOW this is going to result in me having my first proper gaming hardware issue, I just KNOW it...

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