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the-pi-guy said:
ConservagameR said:

I dunno, who's not charging $70 for games? Who immediately came out after and said they won't be raising their hardware prices? The same company who said they won't be charging $70 for their games? The same company who was comparing Game Pass to the new PS Plus just before it was revealed? Are XB games and Game Pass even comparable to PS games and PS Plus?

So every single company from the bottom up, can increase prices and pass the buck, but when it lands on the final company prior to the consumer, in this case PS (or XB), you think those companies should have to eat all the extra cost? They don't get to pass the buck as well like everyone else prior?

It wasn't all that long ago where XB tried to take more bucks with XB One through Kinect and DRM, and is only eating the costs now because they have to and because MS can easily afford to, and always has been able to with XB.

I'm not sure why you're bringing Xbox into this discussion. 

Azzanation said:

I am still confused with what you are trying to say with your first paragraph.

The costs here seems to only exists with Sony at this moment, both Nintendo and MS came out and said they wont be raising their prices on hardware which means Sony has some special costs that doesn't exist with the other brands. 

When Xbox tried to raise the prices on Live, the fans stood up and Xbox backed down, when PS raised the prices of games to $70, the fans defended the decision and now Sony see this loyalty and are now raising the hardware prices and guess what, the fans are defending this decision. I can see what the issue is here.

I would throw out that Nintendo is almost certainly making a solid margin on their console. Whereas Sony and Microsoft aren't. 

The big advantage that Microsoft has, is that the US dollar is doing very well, and that is where MS sells most of their consoles. 

Sony sells a lot of their consoles in Europe. 

At launch, the PS5 was €500≈$600. Largely because of a 20% VAT, Europe was paying more, and Sony was getting around $500 from Europe. 

Currently though €550≈$550. Which means Sony is getting about $460. Even with the price hike, Sony is making less money on the consoles. 

I also haven't seen people defend the $70 games. 

I'm not the one who brought up the $70 games. What does the current software price have anything to do with the hardware price increase? Are the games and hardware not worth it in general, or are they simply more costly than the competition, which would be XB?

Nin is selling vastly outdated hardware, so they've been making plenty on it. So much that they're likely still making a good buck on it right now.

PS and XB are selling up to date higher end console hardware, and haven't been making much, if any profit at all. Sony said they had broken even on the more expensive SKU only like 6 months before inflation started due to c19. XB can easily afford to eat any hardware losses simply because they're a very small piece of the MS pie, where as PS is a major profit portion for Sony.

No company in their right minds would go from charging $60 for a service to $120 for no reason other than just because. XB also oddly didn't come up with another more reasonable Live price afterwards, they just went right back to $60, which makes no sense if they legitimately needed to charge more. So not only did they not charge more, but gave up the F2P paywall on top of that.

When XB raised the prices for Live, it was to cover up the fact that they wanted to finally make F2P games free like PS, instead of charging for them behind the Live paywall. It was a very smart move to immediately apologize and sell a positive marketing spin that they'd be making F2P games, F2P from then on, as a fake apology for faking to charge more. Sony is simply raising prices a tiny bit due to inflation that everyone is experiencing.

The issue being XB fans seem to forget why XB through MS is being so generous now? That some Sony fans feel their games are more valuable therefore would warrant a higher price tag? That other Sony fans don't agree and just wait for a price drop that they feel is more justified?