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The news:


Mafia for free is an offer you can't refuse
2K's golden goose is the Grand Theft Auto series, but in one of those quirks of fate the publisher also ended up eventually acquiring one of the only series that did a good job of offering an alternative. The original Mafia, released in 2002, was an early GTA competitor and many would say the best by a country mile: set in Illinois in the 1930s, the game followed the story of Tommy Angelo as he rose through the ranks of the Salieri mafia family.
Publisher 2K has announced that, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the game's release, it will be making players an offer they can't refuse: Mafia will be free to all on Steam from September 1 to September 5.
>> Remember, it's from tomorrow, September 1st, not from today.

GOG doesn't have new deals, but they have a new contest to win 3 prizes consisting of Mad Catz peripherals and a GOG Bundle. Learn more here:

Steam has two new deals:

And Fanatical has two new deals and a bundle:




This Doom 2 mod is crammed so full of effects it challenges modern PCs
In a just world, I could just tell you that Doom: The False Angel stars a character called "Victoria Noire," and that'd be the end of it. Everyone would rush to download it, sending it skyrocketing to the top of the mod charts off the back of its ridiculously cool protagonist name.
But we live in this world, not a just one. So instead I will tell you that Doom: The False Angel is a mod for Doom 2 whose mission is to bring the mobility and breakneck pace of Doom: Eternal and the garish cool of Devil May Cry to the sprite-filled halls of Doom 2. And it looks like something I'd have drawn up in the back of a school notebook when I was 13.
>> There's a video in the article, in case you need help imagining it.

New graphics overhaul mod for Red Dead Redemption 2 available for download
Razed Mods has released a graphics overhaul mod for Red Dead Redemption 2, called Visual Redemption. And, in case you weren’t aware, Razed Mods is the man behind the amazing NaturalVision Evolved Mod for GTA 5.
According to its description, Visual Redemption (VisualR) currently improves the shadow distance in each weather, reduces the intensity of heat haze, and fixes bloom render on lights. Additionally, it improves water reflections, fixes moon positioning and more.

There's a Castlevania mod that turns Doom into a ghoul-whipping platformer and nobody told me
One of the things about the modern internet, the part of it we tend to use most in our day-to-day lives, is that it's now a very curated space. There's more information and hashtag content out there than ever before, but the vast majority of it will never be seen by more than a few people, and what breaks the surface is a total crapshoot.
In the last few days a tweet went viral, featuring a short gameplay clip from a GZDoom mod called Simon's Destiny. This is a full remake of the first-ever Castlevania title on NES, and as you can see captures the look of the series perfectly.
The more impressive aspects of Simon's Destiny are how it recreates the verticality of the 2D Castlevania games, with plenty of staircases and platform-hopping, and how well it translates the basic whip-cracking, holy water-chucking action into a snappy 3D combat system. All the iconic upgrades and castle elements are included, and it's just a great love letter to one classic series bound-up in another one. IT's also pretty tough!


Official PC requirements for the Souls-like “Pinocchio” game, Lies of P
NEOWIZ and Round8 Studio have revealed the official PC system requirements (via Steam) for their upcoming Souls-like game, Lies of P.
According to the devs, PC gamers will at least need an AMD Ryzen 3 1200 or Intel Core i5-7500 with 8GB of RAM and an AMD Radeon RX 560 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti.

New The Last of Us Remake vs Remastered Video Graphics Comparison
Yesterday, Sony released a new gameplay video for The Last of Us Part I Remake, showcasing some gameplay from Bill’s Town. And today, YouTube’s ‘Cycu1’ released a comparison video between this upcoming remake and its remastered PS4 version.

Rocksmith+ releases on PC on September 6th with over 5000 songs
Ubisoft has announced that Rocksmith+ will release on PC on September 6th, and will have over 5000 songs at launch. And, in case you did not know, Rocksmith+ will be an interactive music learning subscription service. So yeah, pay attention to that “subscription service “.

Open Beta for the Unreal Engine 4-powered action RPG, Torchlight: Infinite, begins on September 5th
XD GAMES has announced that the open beta phase for the next part in the Torchlight series, Torchlight: Infinite, will begin on September 5th. This beta will be available to everyone and will last until September 18th.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 single-player campaign gameplay footage leaks online
It appears that some new gameplay footage from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s single-player campaign has been leaked online. In the following video, we get to see almost two minutes of gameplay footage. However, this is off-camera footage so yeah, don’t expect anything particularly impressive from it.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.