By the way, here are some Steam Deck news for you all:
Emulating 3DS games with a Steam Deck proves that the Wii U was right
Through the magic of software emulation you can use a Steam Deck attached to a monitor to play Nintendo 3DS games, something I am now aware of thanks to tech video creator GameXData. In a tweet they posted, GameXData shows off a hilarious image combo using the Steam Deck's touch screen and Pokemon X/Y.
Through the power of linux, emulation, and the Steam Deck... we have reinvented the Wii U.
Valve confirms there will be next-gen Steam Decks 'more open and more capable than the first version'
Valve is going to do something with the Steam Deck that it hasn't done with any of the previous pieces of hardware it's created: follow it up. Celebrating the launch of the handheld PC in the Asian territories Valve has created an ebook ostensibly to introduce itself to the new audience.
But it's not just that, it contains Valve's promises for the longevity of its Steam Deck and SteamOS platform, confirmation that this isn't just going to be a gen one piece of hardware that gets abandoned to the vagaries of time.
Under the explicit headline: "The Future: more Steam Decks, more SteamOS" (via GamingOnLinux) it explains how those future Decks might be targeted.
"In the future," it reads, "Valve will follow up on this product with improvements and iterations to hardware and software, bringing new versions of Steam Deck to market.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.