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Games I've finished in 2022:

Persona 5 Strikers (Platinum)
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Elden Ring
FF Strangers of Paradise
Tales of Arise (Platinum)
God of War (Platinum)

Disgaea 6 Complete (Platinum)

I managed to complete Disgaea 6 platinum before my vacation from work finished. While I am very happy that I finally got it done, I gotta say it wasn't worth it. While Disgaea 5 was a very enjoyable game and platinum, Disgaea 6 is not. I played maybe 60-80 hours, but my playtime is listed as 200 hours because you are forced to make the game play itself to be efficient. I went as far as taping down a button so that I could have it play at 32x speed. At least I caught up on other things while this game was occupying my TV. Disgaea 7 just got announced too, and it looks like a return to form, will just have to forget about this one.

Next up is Soul Hackers 2, my 7th JRPG of the year.