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The SNES also had more than just the FX/FX2 chips to enhance it's capabilities...

There was also the CX4 Co-Processor which would perform trigonometry/wireframe effects/sprite manipulation.. Which was used for some of the Megaman games.

DSP-1 through to DSP-4 chips would assist mode-7 heavy games like Mario Kart and Pilot Wings to perform vector based calculations, bitmap conversions, coordinate transformations and more.

SA1 chip which had a 3.58Mhz CPU, 2Kb of Ram, new math functions and more which was used in games like Super Mario RPG.

ST Series of chips which were basically "A.I Co-Processors".

Nintendo did a lot with the hardware of the SNES, but so did the myriad of Co-Processors.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--