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I always thought Neo Geo games looked pretty incredible, but I've only played them a little bit in the arcades that had a Neo Geo cabinet. I really wish that Sony and Nintendo didn't push so hard for 3D in the 5th generation, because I think we would have gotten some really incredible looking 2D games as a result, much like the Neo Geo. Instead we have a small amount of 2D classics from the 5th generation which have aged extremely well like Suikoden and Symphony of the Night.  Basically, I think the Neo Geo is what 5th gen games would have looked like if they hadn't gone 3D.

Anyway, I'd really like to get a Neo Geo at some point and fully explore it's library. It probably has some good games in there that aren't either Metal Slug or a fighting game.

Last edited by The_Liquid_Laser - on 28 August 2022