Friday news, part two:
DICE clearly isn't giving up on Battlefield 2042
When a developer starts saying stuff like "we hear your feedback," it's hard not to imagine that a clock has started ticking. Any online game is in danger of Antheming out of existence these days, or at least being deprioritized if it underperforms. So far, though, DICE hasn't wavered commitment to making Battlefield 2042 popular.
It hasn't quite succeeded, but the game's average Steam concurrent player count did increase after the delayed Season 1 update dropped in early June. Now the shooter's second season is about to start: A new map, specialist, guns, and vehicles are coming next week, on Tuesday, August 30.
The PC strategy RPG army swells: Absolute Tactics arrives September 15
Absolute Tactics, or as it would've been called in '90s California, Hella Tactics, is an indie project that longtime Gearbox Software developer Jason Shields has been working on for the last five years. It's finally almost finished, and landing on Steam and the Nintendo Switch on September 15—right in the middle of the biggest year for the strategy RPG genre in decades.
The Devil In Me brings hellish inventory puzzles to the Dark Pictures Anthology
The latest addition to the Dark Pictures anthology is officially The Devil In Me, confirming the name leaked last year. This serial killer focused entry is set to be more expansive, according to an interview with VG247, with game director Tom Heaton wanting to frighten players by giving them more agency—and more puzzles.
Flight Simulator is getting helicopters, gliders, and a giant wooden seaplane that only ever flew once
The Microsoft Flight Simulator 40th Anniversary Edition patch now has an official release date: It'll be free to everyone on November 11. The update will bring 12 new aircraft, 20 missions from the game's past, 4 big commercial airports, 10 glider airports, and 14 heliports.
Most notably for sim fans, it'll introduce helicopters and gliders, the two things people want the most from Microsoft Flight Simulator and that've been absent since the latest version's 2020 launch. It'll also have a proper full-size airliner, per community demand: The Airb
Phil Spencer says Microsoft really wants Activision for mobile and PC games
It would be reasonable to think that Microsoft's pursuit of Activision Blizzard was driven to a significant degree by Call of Duty. It's one of the biggest game series on the planet, after all, a perennial money-maker that just can't seem to lose, even after over a decade of yearly releases. But in an interview with Bloomberg, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said what really drove Microsoft's interest was mobile games and, to a lesser extent, PC.
You can turn on every apocalypse at once in next Total War: Warhammer 3 update
Every game of Total War: Warhammer 3's new Immortal Empires mode ends, by default, with some disastrous event befalling the Warhammer world. It spices up the normally staid late game of a Total War campaign. You know: A mass rising of the undead, a vast horde of orcs, the dwarfs getting tired of everyone else's shit.
Update 2.1, which is currently scheduled to arrive on September 6, will add a new feature to the scenario: "Ultimate Crisis Mode," which fires off every single end-game scenario at once if you select all five apocalypses. Creative Assembly helpfully notes that "this may have unexpected results" in modded games, especially those that add even more end-game scenarios.
Retro raygun shooter They Came From Dimension X made me feel like I was in a '90s game ad
The demo for upcoming boomer shooter They Came From Dimension X is a blast from start to finish. Less than a minute in, I hooted so loud I startled my girlfriend from across the apartment when I stepped into the first room and started walking straight up a wall. The experience felt like it needed to be accompanied by that dude from the old Sega Saturn ads talking about the new millennium.
The Minecraft RTS spinoff is inventing new enemies, too
Minecraft Legends creative director Magnus Nedfors and executive producer Dennis Ries sat down during the Xbox booth livestream at Gamescom this week to deliver a couple new details about Legends, including info on some new mobs—both friend and foe. As with its past genre experimentations, Mojang and Blackbird Interactive's upcoming RTS spinoff is going to make its own mark on the Minecraft world. Dungeons stepped out of the bounds of existing Minecraft lore to create mobs needed to suit its action RPG world and Legends is doing the same.
Ransomware abuses Genshin Impact's kernel mode anti-cheat to bypass antivirus protection
Security skeptics and advocates have worried for some time now that exploits able to take advantage of anti-cheat kernel-mode drivers could wreak serious havoc on PC security. Now it seems to have happened: The anti-cheat driver used by Genshin Impact, the popular free-to-play RPG, has been abused by a ransomware actor to stop antivirus processes and enable the mass deployment of their ransomware.
'The galaxy won't be the same' after Elite Dangerous Update 14, say devs
A two-year-long storyline in Elite Dangerous ended with a bang this month. Actually, there were two bangs in Update 13: the first was the firing of a superweapon in an attempt to destroy the alien Thargoids… quickly followed by the second bang of the Thargoids totally not being destroyed and blowing that superweapon into space-smithereens.
Most of the Hogwarts Legacy Collector's Edition's $300 price tag is tied up in an electromagnetic floating wand
As reported by our friends at GamesRadar, On August 24, Avalanche Software revealed the very pricey $300 collector's edition version of Hogwarts Legacy.
Hypotheticals aside, the quality of the goods themselves doesn't seem to be at issue with the Boy Who Lived Supderdeluxe Edition of Legacy, at least. Its centerpiece is a giant cast of a wizardly tome with a map of Hogwarts printed on its open pages. It can be plugged in and powered on, activating the electromagnets under its pages and allowing the included magic wand collectible to float above—pretty neat!
Final Fantasy 14 players are already grinding the hell out of its new relaxing farming mode
nstead of kicking back on the beach like they were supposed to, Final Fantasy 14 players are stripping their pristine new island sanctuaries of every single plant and resource to feed the machine of efficiency.
Creative Assembly teases a new third-person 'action project'
Creative Assembly, who you'll mostly know for the impossible breadth and depth of its library of strategy games, have announced that it's working on a new project to "sit alongside Total War, Hyenas and the studio’s other yet-to-be announced project". What's more, it's specifically looking for help from developers "with experience working on third-person titles using the Unreal 5 engine".
Rumours of Amazon bid for EA shot down as the publisher's stock goes on a rollercoaster ride
Earlier today a rumour began circulating that Amazon was preparing to make a formal offer to acquire EA, with USA Today's gaming blog citing its own sources that a bid was imminent. This unconfirmed report quickly circulated through the gaming media ecosystem, as well as all the usual channels, and saw EA's stock price begin to shoot up in pre-market trading, at one point rising 15% in value.
It wasn't long, however, until CNBC's stock market team began pouring cold water on the idea. In the below clip, reporter David Faber states plainly, "No, this is not going to happen today. Unless the people who have been involved [in acquisition talks] previously have no idea".
>> There's a thread made by ClassicGamingWizzz about this rumor.
Embracer now owns Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montréal, and Square Enix Montréal
Embracer Group has been on a buying spree frankly so large that it's hard to keep up with all the properties that it owns. Back in May it was announced, however, that the company was in the process of acquiring Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montreal, and Square Enix Montreal. Now, a couple of months later, the deed has been done and Embracer now officially owns the lot, among other property too.
And these are the GOG and Steam deals for this weekend:
- Let's start with the most important: a new Giveaway! Dex will be free to get during the next 70 hours:
- The first Deal of the Day is Winter Ember, 30% off during 70 hours:
- The second DotD is HuniePop 2: Double Date, 45% off until Monday:
- And don't forget to check the numerous deals during this GOG Sale, now with more games. Learn which ones here:
- The first daily deal is Souldiers, 20% off:
- The second daily deal is Shift Happens (I hope you read that well), 90% off:
- The first Weekend Deal is Total War Warhammer, with all three games on sale with up to 75% discounts until Monday:
- The Far Cry franchise is up to 80% off until the 29th:
- Another franchise on sale is Hitman, with up to 85% discounts until September 1st:
- And the Activision Publisher Sale brings up to 75% discounts until the 5th of September:
And that's it. Until next time, I wish you a happy and gaming weekend.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.