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The Friday news!


The Humble Store has a new flash sale, with OUTRIDERS being 50% off during 26 hours:

Fanatical has a new sale (that may have started yesterday) with Disney Interactive putting its games up to 79% off during the next 5 days:




-Empty as well-


Skull and Bones will support Ray Tracing, NVIDIA DLSS and AMD FSR on PC
Ubisoft has detailed the PC features of Skull and Bones. According to the French company, the game will support Ray Tracing effects on PC. Moreover, Skull and Bones will support both NVIDIA’s DLSS and AMD’s FSR upscaling techniques.
>> It's FSR 1.0, not the superior 2.0 version, and it will also support XeSS, if the Ubisoft quote from this videocardz article is to be believed. Oh, and here you'll find the system requirements.

Here are 14 minutes of gameplay footage from the gamescom 2022 demo of Wanted: Dead
IGN Japan has shared a new video, showcasing 14 minutes of gameplay footage from the gamescom 2022 demo of Wanted: Dead. Since this is a video of someone playing the game, you may not like the way they do it. Nevertheless, this video will give you an idea of the game’s combat mechanics, so be sure to watch it.

New 7-minute gameplay video for Gotham Knights shows off the Harley Quinn boss fight
IGN has shared a new video, showcasing 7 minutes of gameplay footage from the Harley Quinn boss fight that will be in Gotham Knights. Since this is a boss fight, it may contain some spoilers so be sure to avoid it if you want to experience it yourselves.

First full match gameplay footage from the wrestling game, AEW: Fight Forever
THQ Nordic has shared a gameplay video, showcasing a full match from the upcoming wrestling game, AEW: Fight Forever. While the game is still in development, and this video does not represent the quality of the final product, it can give you an idea of what you can expect from it.

Extended gameplay trailer released for the Nier-inpired game, Phantom Hellcat
All in! Games has released an extended gameplay trailer for its upcoming Nier-inspired game, Phantom Hellcat. This extended trailer showcases a variety of dilapidated environments to explore including a crumbling castle, haunted library, and spotlight stage.

First 16 minutes of gameplay from The Last of Us Part 1 Remake
YouTube’s ‘Tahiday’ has shared a video, showcasing the first 16 minutes from The Last of Us Part 1 Remake. This video shows the entire prologue sequence, so be sure to avoid it in case you want to experience it yourselves. Needless to say that the prologue also has some spoilers (for those that haven’t played the original game).

Official gameplay trailer for Team Ninja’s new action game, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
KOEI Tecmo and Team Ninja have released an official gameplay trailer for their upcoming story-driven action game, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.

Official PC system requirements for Hogwarts Legacy
Warner Bros has revealed the official PC system requirements for Hogwarts Legacy. According to the PC specs, the game will require 85GB of free hard-disk space, and will be using the DX12 API.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.