Bofferbrauer2 said:
It could be that the other parts (Motherboard, casing, cooling...) are getting more expensive and eating up the price reductions. Another thing could be that the main chip is not getting cheaper. Afaik they have to make deals with AMD on a regular basis, who in turn have to make a deal with TSMC for the production. Considering that TSMC has raised the price by quite some margin during the pandemic and removed discounts for big customers, it's possible that AMD has to actually pay more than originally for the chips, and are passing those costs down to SONY. Finally, it could just be greed or software sales being too low for SONY's liking to cross-finance the console. |
It is possible that the APU, as well as the different parts, have increased in price but, as far as I know, Sony said last year during some quarter earnings that the PS5 with optical drive was already profitable, and I haven't seen a report from their last report saying that things had changed and it was already losing money with it.
There must be something else, like the software sales not meeting expectations, maybe because of the lack of consoles, or it could be the exchange rate as Yuri says.
Captain_Yuri said: If yall want to compare the old to new prices: Personally I think it might be due to the exchange rate. Euro has been below USD very frequently and Yen is certainly in the shitter. So maybe that + inflation if I had to guess. We will see if MS does the samething. I doubt Nintendo will change since the switch is old af but the Switch 2 will probably be more expensive than the first one. |
Exchange rates may have something to do with it, yes, but some of those changes seem a bit too big for just only that. A 10% increase is a lot, and the +20% in Japan are ridiculous.
Loyal fans will still buy it, no doubt about it, but those that don't have a favourite, or that already managed to get am Xbox while waiting to get a PS5, will probably think twice or thrice before getting one.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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