Bofferbrauer2 said:
Seems powerful enough. Wonder how much of it comes from IPC increases and how much of just the higher clock speeds... Speaking of clock speeds, the high base clocks of the Ryzen 7xxx chips are pretty interesting to me. I wonder how this will translate into the mobile APUs next year; maybe we'll get some 8c/16t U series chip with over 3Ghz base clock, Zen 3+ was already pretty close to that (2.7 Ghz on the 6800U) |
They do seem to be powerful enough, and also run quite hot, tho who could blame it with that voltage.
The interesting question here is the pricing, because while the Ryzen 7000 CPUs will be powerful enough, it doesn't seem like they'll be the fastest and, while the added cost of a new platform and no option to skip costs reusing the RAM, the fight with Intel could be a bit hard for AMD unless they're agressive with their prices.
Bofferbrauer2 said:
Seems pretty interesting, can't wait to see any reviews and benchmarks of this thing! |
It does seem interesting, indeed, and the hidden keyboard is quite the trick. But it also seems to be a bit bulky and have lots of holes for ventilation.
Bofferbrauer2 said:
Wouldn't this be the first time that a console's normal price would be adjusted upwards after release? Or did this happen before? I knew there wouldn't be any price cuts this gen due to the inflation, but a price increase is not something I ever expected! |
As far as I know, it's the first time it happened, but maybe someone has went through it and posted other examples in the thread about this price increase.
I have to say, tho, that the timing is quite weird. While inflation is rising, and rising everywhere included the US, the chip shortage is mostly a thing of the past and youI'd say that the cost is lowering a bit due to the lower demand of chips. So, with the chips being less expensive than one year ago, plus the usual cost reductions cuts that the console has seen in the almost two years since it launched, why are they increasing the price? And why so much?
In any case, if MSoft decides to not raise the price on their part, those extra 50 € could be a deciding factor to switch sides and go with team green.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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