Here's a couple news/articles I didn't post before that may be of interest, for very different reasons:
Latest Windows security update is locking users out of their PCs
If you're planning on downloading the latest Microsoft Security Update for Windows, it's a good idea to have your BitLocker key ready to go. According to The Register (opens in new tab), users who download the update are having quite a few issues, including being completely locked out of their PCs on restart.
The latest Windows security update for Secure Boot DBX released nearly two weeks ago on August 9 and since then has been giving users all sorts of problems. Not unlike the last security patch for Windows 11 (opens in new tab). Dubbed KB5012170, this update comes with fixes for exploits that could allow unauthorised code to run during the boot process, so it's important for security, especially when Unified Extensible Firmware Interface is used.
And because I'm sure that some will like to know about them:
Holy heck, there are a lot of strategy RPGs on PC now
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there have been a truly startling number of strategy and tactics RPGs released not just this year, but in recent years as well, with a lot more scheduled for the near future. Without even trying I was able to find well over a dozen of them fresh in the pot, ready to drink, or percolating for the near future. The sleeping subgenre, largely confined to consoles and mobile by a complacent or uncaring set of publishers, has exploded onto PC full force.
The success of Fire Emblem: Awakening in 2012—and every Fire Emblem since—has finally well and truly translated into releases that come to PC. Starting a few years ago, as far as I can tell, a lot of indies just said "Well, shit, they never put these on PC, so I'll make my own!" Now development is so much simpler and the genre so much more popular that we're getting semi-retired industry pioneers—the creator of freaking Fire Emblem, for example—back in the SRPG-making game. Enough of that, though. Let's get to the games.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.